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Truck driver cleared of charges in fatal I-70 crash

A truck driver won't face charges after an I-70 crash in Wheat Ridge, Colorado that left three people dead.

What happened: On August 15th, the truck overturned, scattering pipes and causing collisions with five other vehicles around 8:20 a.m.

Key details:

  • The truck was traveling at 59 mph in a 60 mph zone.
  • It had passed a weigh station inspection 40 minutes before the crash, showing no issues.
  • The load was described as "over-strapped" and the truck was 8,000 pounds under the weight limit.

The investigation: The truck's brakes were found to be functioning properly, and the driver showed no signs of impairment. The trucking company was fully compliant during this investigation, according to Fox 31.

The Colorado Department of Transportation is now working to lower the speed limit in the area, which has seen several serious crashes involving commercial vehicles.

FTC and Florida take down deceptive truck investment scheme

The FTC and Florida have shut down RivX for allegedly running a deceptive trucking investment scheme that left many investors without trucks or income.
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Cybersecurity risks in trucking: Experts warn of ELD vulnerabilities

A Colorado State University study exposes cybersecurity threats in the trucking industry through vulnerable Electronic Logging Devices that could risk vehicle control and data security.
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Atchafalaya Basin Bridge update ends split speed limits for trucks and cars

Louisiana's Atchafalaya Basin Bridge implements a uniform 60 mph speed limit for all vehicles and sets right-lane-only rules for trucks to enhance road safety.
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