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FMCSA head Robin Hutcheson steps down, Sue Lawless steps in

Robin Hutcheson, the head of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), announced she will step down on January 26. Having joined the Biden-Harris Administration in January 2021, Hutcheson was later appointed as full-time Administrator in September 2022. During her tenure, she focused on improving driver safety and the quality of life for truckers.

What's next: Following Hutcheson's departure, Sue Lawless, currently the FMCSA Executive Director and Chief Safety Officer, will take over as Acting Deputy Administrator.

Hutcheson's efforts included implementing various components of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and enhancing safety regulations, with a particular focus on advancing the role of women in transportation.

Industry reaction: The American Trucking Associations recognized Hutcheson's service during challenging times, including the pandemic and supply chain disruptions.

The bottom line: Hutcheson expressed gratitude for her role and emphasized the ongoing collaboration between the Department of Transportation and industry partners.

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