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Farm community bands together to unstick trapped semi truck

A stuck semi-truck was impressively pushed to freedom by a group of determined men on a farm, as seen in a viral video reported on Instagram.

Team effort: The short clip reveals about two dozen men in straw hats coming together to push the semi-truck, which had become stuck in a field.

The community's willingness to assist a trucker in need emphasizes both the camaraderie prevalent among those who work the land and the respect earned by those driving big rigs.

Big push: The power of human spirit and strength was enough to free the vehicle — a nod to the importance of lending a helping hand when it's needed most.

While the incident might have been a major setback for the truck driver, the action of the men in hats turned a potential headache into a powerful demonstration of unity.

Many may find it refreshing to see this kind of positive news in a time when it seems there's so much division in the world.

It's instances like these that showcase the essence of community support, as friends and strangers alike rallied to assist the trucker without hesitation.

FTC and Florida take down deceptive truck investment scheme

The FTC and Florida have shut down RivX for allegedly running a deceptive trucking investment scheme that left many investors without trucks or income.
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Cybersecurity risks in trucking: Experts warn of ELD vulnerabilities

A Colorado State University study exposes cybersecurity threats in the trucking industry through vulnerable Electronic Logging Devices that could risk vehicle control and data security.
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Atchafalaya Basin Bridge update ends split speed limits for trucks and cars

Louisiana's Atchafalaya Basin Bridge implements a uniform 60 mph speed limit for all vehicles and sets right-lane-only rules for trucks to enhance road safety.
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