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Atchafalaya Basin Bridge update ends split speed limits for trucks and cars

Louisiana's Atchafalaya Basin Bridge is getting new rules to make driving safer for everyone.

Big changes: Starting March 18, crews will put up new 60 mph speed signs for all vehicles. Trucks no longer have to go slower than cars. And, radar devices will tell drivers if they're speeding. Trucks need to stay on the bridge's right lane though.

  • Lane closures will happen while they work on these changes, but everything should be done by June.
  • The update will cost about $591,040.

Why: Officials hope that by having everyone go the same speed, there'll be fewer bad crashes. They're doing this because the bridge is a "Highway Safety Corridor" — where tickets double.

  • Truck groups like the OOIDA think this is a good move since different speeds for cars and trucks can lead to more accidents.

The plan is part of a bigger project. Later, they'll put in speed cameras and send automatic tickets to speeders.

When it's all set up, the goal is smoother, safer driving for everyone passing through.

Cybersecurity risks in trucking: Experts warn of ELD vulnerabilities

A Colorado State University study exposes cybersecurity threats in the trucking industry through vulnerable Electronic Logging Devices that could risk vehicle control and data security.
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FMCSA studies detention time's impact on trucker safety and efficiency

FMCSA initiates a study to understand the impact of shipping delays on truck driver safety and commercial vehicle operations, focusing on detention time and its effects on compliance, safety, and economic costs.
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Falls Township considers 'trucker village' amid traffic surge from trade center

Falls Township in Pennsylvania evaluates the creation of a 'trucker village' to support the increased truck traffic from the Keystone Trade Center, offering services like parking and repairs while addressing local infrastructure concerns.
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