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Trucker shares his no-go cities and states to avoid on the road

A truck driver has spelled out the locations he tries to skip when on the road, with a video of his rant pointing out a few cities and even one whole state as trouble spots for truckers.

Heads up: The driver's list kicks off with Louisville, Kentucky, citing "Low bridges," then jumps to Nashville, Tennessee, for its "Potholes," and calls out Atlanta, Georgia because "Everybody [is] thinking they too fast too furious."

But he doesn't stop there. The trucker broadens his avoid-at-all-costs zones saying, "I don’t like… no nobody like the northeast," and adds Minnesota to the list, leaving viewers wondering, "What the hell did Minnesota do?"

  • The video, spreading among truckers, triggers laughs and nods as many relate to avoiding certain areas due to issues like low bridges, poor road conditions, and heavy traffic.

While Minnesota's specific issue wasn't disclosed, the trucker's venting session reflects a common sentiment among drivers about the challenges of navigating through certain regions.

At the end of the day, the take-home is clear: some cities and even states can be a real headache for truckers—and Minnesota, whatever you did, truckers are noticing.

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