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Truck crashes into low bridge causing road closures in Grants

A semi-truck collided with a low bridge in Grants, New Mexico, on the evening of September 18, causing road closures and significant damage.

What happened: The truck attempted to drive under a railroad bridge on Fifth Street between Santa Fe Avenue and San Jose Drive. The trailer got stuck under the bridge, damaging both the bridge and the truck.

  • The crash happened around 10 p.m. and no injuries were reported.
  • Fifth Street will be closed until the wreckage is cleared and the bridge's safety is assessed.

Impact: Local authorities are working to remove the truck and inspect the bridge's structural integrity. No estimate on when the road will reopen, reported KOB News.

The incident remains under investigation, and no one was hurt. Authorities need to inspect the bridge before reopening it for train traffic.

FTC and Florida take down deceptive truck investment scheme

The FTC and Florida have shut down RivX for allegedly running a deceptive trucking investment scheme that left many investors without trucks or income.
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Cybersecurity risks in trucking: Experts warn of ELD vulnerabilities

A Colorado State University study exposes cybersecurity threats in the trucking industry through vulnerable Electronic Logging Devices that could risk vehicle control and data security.
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Atchafalaya Basin Bridge update ends split speed limits for trucks and cars

Louisiana's Atchafalaya Basin Bridge implements a uniform 60 mph speed limit for all vehicles and sets right-lane-only rules for trucks to enhance road safety.
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