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COBB Tuning fined $2.9 million for emission defeat devices

COBB Tuning Products agreed to pay $2.9 million for violating the Clean Air Act by selling emissions defeat devices.

What happened: The EPA and the Justice Department announced the settlement on September 16, 2024. COBB manufactured and sold over 90,000 defeat devices since January 2015.

  • These devices disable vehicle emission controls, leading to more air pollution.
  • COBB must stop selling these devices, destroy existing inventory, and update marketing materials.
  • Employees and contractors will undergo compliance training.

EPA officials stated, "Defeat devices significantly increase air pollution, particularly in already overburdened communities," according to CDLLife.

Background: The settlement also requires COBB to notify customers that their products violate the Clean Air Act.

The proposed consent decree is subject to a 30-day public comment period before final court approval.

FTC and Florida take down deceptive truck investment scheme

The FTC and Florida have shut down RivX for allegedly running a deceptive trucking investment scheme that left many investors without trucks or income.
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Cybersecurity risks in trucking: Experts warn of ELD vulnerabilities

A Colorado State University study exposes cybersecurity threats in the trucking industry through vulnerable Electronic Logging Devices that could risk vehicle control and data security.
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Atchafalaya Basin Bridge update ends split speed limits for trucks and cars

Louisiana's Atchafalaya Basin Bridge implements a uniform 60 mph speed limit for all vehicles and sets right-lane-only rules for trucks to enhance road safety.
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