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Truckers challenge Minnesota's firearm permit recognition policy

Two truckers are challenging Minnesota's refusal to recognize firearm permits from other states, arguing it violates their right to bear arms.

The details: David McCoy and Jeffrey Johnson, both long-haul truckers with valid firearm licenses from their home states, claim Minnesota's policy prevents them from carrying firearms for self-defense while on the road.

  • The lawsuit, filed on January 7, 2025, argues that Minnesota's law creates an unreasonable burden on the truckers' Second Amendment rights.
  • Minnesota currently excludes firearm permits from 29 states, including Texas, Georgia, and Florida, from recognition.

What's at stake: For truckers like McCoy and Johnson, carrying a firearm for protection is critical due to the nature of their job, which often involves long hauls across various states.

The legal battle: The Liberty Justice Center is representing the truckers, seeking to overturn Minnesota's current firearms permit recognition law according to the Liberty Justice Center.

A court ruling on this case could impact the ability of truckers to carry and defend themselves nationwide.

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